It's Just a Perfect Day . . Cairngorms. 9th August
Sunday 9th August fresh SW in the valley, very strong and cold gale on the mountain tops cloud just touching tops. A few showers and a little sunshine. Scottish mixture...Four seasons. Awoken by screams of “what's leaking?” in the early hours, Simon the occupant of the bed next to mine in the youth hostel dormitory, discovers that the person in the bunk above him has just relieved himself down onto his pillow! It shines out like a shaft of gold when all is dark. Simon, in disgust, an after using invective to tell the midnight pisser what he thinks of him, goes and sleeps in his car. I fall back into my exhausted stupor glad it wasn't me below. Breakfast is superb and Simon comes into the dining area a little the worse for wear but drier. Outside clouds are scudding the tops of the Cairngorms where I will attempt to find ptarmigan today. Setting off, I cycle around a mile and then push. Real lycra-clad cyclists pass on their painful lactic ac...