Wednesday February 4th 2015

Well I would never have thought that 3 inner tubes would knacker within a one day period. Yesterday one went; the place where the inner tube is attached to the valve had detached. No problem I thought, just replace it with a spare tube. I did. That lasted 2 minutes then I heard it pop.
The next inner tube lasted until just before Stonehenge, a ride of about 5 miles from last night's youth hostel.
No more inner tubes, naïve to think that 3 would last. Nothing more to do than to push the bike to Salisbury and get inner tubes there.
11 miles including 2 1/2 along a very muddy chalky bridle path to see Normanton Downs RSPB reserve and a very busy and occasionally frightening A road.
A few lovely nature views and of course superb views of Stonehenge itself.

 4 hours shoving got me to a cycle shop and although I am now at Salisbury Youth hostel, replete and relaxed, I don't feel too bad. Ooo me aching feet!
More photos and details are on my facebook page - Biking Birder 2015.
Love to you all. x


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